Domino’s Store Owners had a problem.

Pizza is a very fast business, and time is at a premium. That being the case, the amount of time required to keep their marketing materials up-to-date and their print campaigns humming was just too much.

On the other end of the problem were the BTB marketers who produce menus and mail materials for the Store Owners. They needed to be able to produce campaign materials quickly, with a minimum of overhead and almost no lead time. And their production team was already running behind.

A networked Database solution was what they both needed, so I set to work.

Once the data had been collected in a secure server, I was able to provide that data through an automated background system that generates marketing materials with a minimum of production time. The BTB Marketing Reps are able to track their clients (Store Owners), and the production team has access to up-to-date information.

The best part is, the Store Owners also have front-end access. All they need to do is select the marketing material they want to purchase and the system prefills their information and generates the job!

As a final important note – each stage of the process round-trips. Information updated by the customer, production or sales teams is immediately updated and available to everyone else.


Domino's Store Owners

Have access to an E-Commerce portal that allows them to quickly generate customized print-ready files prefilled with their most recent marketing information and make a purchase right away.

BTB Marketing Sales Team

Have backend access to directly alter the database programmatically using industry-standard tools like Microsoft Access. They track their clients (the Store Owners) and keep everything up-to-date!

BTB Marketing Art (Production) Team

Access the database through a network-enabled custom plugin for Adobe Indesign, allowing them to produce cutting-edge marketing materials without worrying about the gruesome details like product pricing, coupon selection and store locator information.

Workflow Integration in images

Domino’s Customer Database

This project began with a good deal of customer tracking and data entry. The client had never done the kind of customer information maintenance they likely should have. Never too late to make a start!

I began by building a set of relational mySQL databases to house the data on a secure private server. These databases are able to track and analyze information like:

  • Store Owner Identity and other specifics
  • Store-specific data
  • Prior purchases
  • Pricing Models (in this case, Domino’s menu pricing)
  • Customer purchasing habits
  • Offer history (pizza coupons are a big deal!)

Production Team

The Production Team probably interacts with the Database the most frequently of all the stakeholders.

After an order is taken, the Production Team begins the process of creating a piece of print marketing by opening the correct network-enabled template and loading in the Client’s data. This reduces the amount of time required to create a print job by a substantial amount, increasing the production capacity of a single artist by several times.

Once a job has been created and updated, the data held within is returned to the server, keeping the Database up-to-date and ready for the next job.

BTB Marketing Sales Team

The Marketing Team being chiefly responsible for tracking customers and placing orders, they have access to the data directly.

Whether updating an existing Client’s information or adding a new client or price set, the Sales team has the ability to alter the Database in real time via tools like Microsoft Access.

Customer Portal

Finally, the Client is also able to access the Data in the Database and leverage it for their own time and cost savings.

In the ordering portal, the Client is able to select the marketing campaign and product they desire, and customize it in real time. Without needing to manually load or key in information like product prices, the Store Owner or their designated marketing rep can create a campaign from start to finish in no time!